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Cry of my empty womb

Of flesh and blood,
I write this story,
Untidy, unstrung chords,
Unforgotten lullaby lost,
Crippled cradle cries,
Knitted socks unwind,
To cuddle, to dandle,
A broken toy lies,
As plaits and red ribbons,
Traverse a torturous journey,
Might, mightier, mightiest wins,
Her first breathe incomplete,
Her last cry unheard,
As an un-satisfied family
and a helpless mother,
Stand to witness,
my daughter's brutal murder,
Filled with guilt and pain,
All I have is your wondrous nine months
and now shame,
No flesh, no blood in me remains,
Only your carcass;
And my empty womb laments.

{Even today somewhere in some clumsy corner someone will be forcibly aborting a girl child, mercilessly. To all of them I request, please STOP ! I would not be writing this today if I wasn't lucky enough to be born to my parents. So please try to be lucky for your child whether boy or girl.}

This poem is published in the Fox Chase Review Summer 2014 edition.

This poem also features in The Fox Chase Review nominations for Best of the Net 2014.

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


With You, forever

"I would be dusted,
Cleared off in ashes one day,
But it would only be the flesh,
That I loved you,
Loved you beyond imagination,
Imagination of the heart,
Would stay back as a memory,
In you, with you and around you forever."

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


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All posts of this blog by Salvwi Prasad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License