Raging fire,
On it the pan,
Elated water,
In goes the affable milk,
Some sugar to sweeten,
Now the cured leaves fall,
The passionate brewing colour,
And then;
The fresh hilly aroma,
As it jigs,
We all wait.
Gurgles into ~
A poor cracked glass
or a black tin can,
or a fair, crystal saucer,
No difference it makes,
Impartial always ~
In being a pauper’s only food;
or a rich evening sip,
Bestows blissful relaxation,
Infusing energy,
It tastes the same to all.
How much we could learn from this ' Chai' ?
Celebrating 15000 visitors with the quintessential "Chai"
© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)