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Just a Pen in hand

In a dark, so silent lonely night,
Writing is that friend, an absolute delight,
Sometimes in just a line or two,
Or phrases, paragraphs, poetry too,
Emotions clenched inside, mighty tight,
Just a pen in hand and all expressions right.

#Hexoem (Hexa+Poem)

Submitting this poem to "Poetry Jam - Writing"

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


The Brave and the Bold

The distorted dark line on my cheeks,
A burning sensation at my eyes' corner crease,
Reminds me of a weak past night,
When I surrendered to fate in a fight,
But today's bright new day is what I strongly hold,
For success ushers the brave and the bold.

#Hexoem (Hexa+Poem)

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


Thoughts of a vacant mind

There's nothing now, that I fear,
Such a feeling has been smeared,
Acute chaos in which I grind,
Is just a thought of my vacant mind, 
And now, in God's beautiful world, that is,
I crave for nothing but bliss

# Hexoem (Hexa+Poem)

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


Chai - The Indian Tea

Raging fire,
On it the pan,
Elated water,
In goes the affable milk,
Some sugar to sweeten,
Now the cured leaves fall,
The passionate brewing colour,
And then;
The fresh hilly aroma,
As it jigs,
We all wait.
Gurgles into ~
 A poor cracked glass
or a black tin can,
or a fair, crystal saucer,
No difference it makes,
Impartial always ~
In being a pauper’s only food;
or a rich evening sip,
Bestows blissful relaxation,
Infusing energy,
It tastes the same to all.

How much we could learn from this ' Chai' ?

Celebrating 15000 visitors with the quintessential "Chai"

© Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


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All posts of this blog by Salvwi Prasad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License