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Solitude's Odyssey

{August, 2006}

Supporting my feeble bones I tread in solitude,
Through the corridors of my lost memoirs,
Pushing weakly through the cobwebs,
Unaware, I follow the abyss,
When I confront a familiar silhouette, Childhood,
Grimacing at me,
Mocking at my solitude,
And suddenly opening the mystery box,
She wounds me with reminiscence of idyllic days.

Teased by infantile memories,
I desire to stay,
But dive into the mammoth ocean ahead,
Where I chance upon a dear friend, Teenage,
Skittish, as always,
She paints the dark canvas with myriad colours,
And ushers me to the Elysian paradise of VENUS,
Breathing life into those fond memoirs of togetherness.

Her healing touch,
Submits me to the arms of matured, Adulthood,
Tethered to the desire of success,
Half strangled is the mogul czar,
Wrestling incessantly the tempests,
She lives in dearth of happiness.

Bidding adieu,

I walk few steps and pause,
Trying to assemble and recollect,
The resemblance of the haggard semblance in front of me,
I take a few more counted steps,
To feel her presence,
When suddenly I recognize, Old age,
My present solace,
Sharing with her my odyssey
I walk into unknown foggy lands,
Happily holding her loyal hands.

The fog accrues, the figures diminish,
And I rising from my state of oblivion find my solitude, still faithful.

{ Solitude’s Odyssey was my first serious poem. I had written this poem during my graduation years. I had started writing the lines of my first poem on the last page of my notebook. Pondering over the phases of human life, this poem was composed. I remember, I wrote this poem gradually over a span of one month. :) }


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