Blogger Widgets



With a pearl white background,
The bright blue lilies adorn well,
Then on the side,
at the edge of the vintage wooden fence,
The blue bicycle rests.
A series of shades of blue –
light; dark;
navy; sea;
cobalt; teal; azure;
and the classic denim,
Hang from the clothesline.
Since yesterday no one picked them up,
And I am happy no one did,
For these shades add colour to my blue mood.

I sit on this chair,
Overlooking my neighbour’s lawn,
where the blue lilies and bicycle stay.
I search for my fountain pen
And the royal blue ink,
To write a few lines on this bluish scene.


Image Credits - Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


To, The bold me

This post is selected for the Tangy Tuesday picks (June 30th, 2015) by Blogadda.
POETICbug_To, the bold me

Losing self and esteem that holds me strong
I trudge through the right and many wrongs
Visit memories where there was
confidence in abundance
To know how I survived
moments that choked me
to breathlessness;
I want that
Bold me,

This poem form is ETHEREE(Reverse) which I learned very recently. It has an interesting styling of syllables in each of the 10 lines. This also gives the poem a visual appeal.
The forward Etheree has increasing syllables with each line from 1 - 10.
The reverse Etheree has decreasing syllables with each line from 10 - 1.

Image Credits - Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


Diamond Dew

This post is selected for the Spicy Saturday Picks (June 27, 2105) by Blogadda.
POETICbug_Diamond Dew
To the beauty of the ladybug,
A leaf stares awestruck,
Each day to express his love,
He waits for the sun at dawn,
Clad in serenity when she walks,
He gasps; no words fall,
Another sleepless night goes by,
Wandering in her thoughts,
The leaf decides his final call,
To express thy love to the ladybug,
So when she comes again,
With the glistening morning rays,
He gifts a diamond dew and proposes.

Image Credits - Writer's Ezine_Arti Honrao, Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


What’s Divine?

POETICbug_What's Divine?

What’s divine?
A conscious belief or
Forced tradition,
May be an eternal argument,
Of HIS existence and beyond,
I know not of the power,
Because I'm touched by the love,
Not in exchange; in exchange of,
Incense sticks, prayers;
Candles, promises;
Or fasts and flowers;
Rather unconditional.
I speak of THEE, to THEE,
like a friendly bond,
Sharing and accusing,
The little nothings and everything,
From finding my lost eraser
to guiding me in my lost path.
And when I see around me,
A world so strangely beautiful,
in its differences and union,
I believe there’s an unknown artist,
Busy in HIS timeless design.

This poem is published in an anthology, HEAVENLY HYMNS by PoiesisOnline.

Image Credits - PoiesisOnline
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


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All posts of this blog by Salvwi Prasad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License