Blogger Widgets

Woman, that I love

Watch of your eyes,
Unveiling my concealed worries,
A hold so tight,
Filling the confidence I need,
Woman, you are the mother I love,
O! Sure I do.

Wrangle over the candies less,
Spoiling your painting,
Relentless jabber and complains,
Accomplice of my tree house secrets,
Woman, you are the sister I love,
O! Sure I do.

Warmth of your embrace,
Smell of that fragrance on you,
A smile welcoming home,
Gentle kiss to do,
Woman, you are the wife I love,
O! Sure I do.

Wiggling uneven plaits,
Polka dotted hat and dress,
Riding on me throughout the day,
A sister, wife and mother to be,
Woman, you are the daughter I love,
O! Sure I do.

{ A man's love for the women in her life. }

Day 23- Letter W submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013.

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]



Veiled in the assurance of confidence,
Void of untamed nervousness.

Deafened by the loud victory cheers,
Void of silent failures.

Painted in vibrant concoction of colours,
Void of the white.

Drowned in the vivacious spirit,
Void of lazy sadness.

Blinded by the sheen of eminence,
Void of anonymity.

Engulfed by the vastness of life,
Void of mortal death.

{ The void of every negativity gets diminished by the positive vibes that surround. }

Day 22 - Letter V submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013.

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


Up in the sky

Up in the blue sky,
Among the cottony clouds so high,
The rays of sun piercing through,
Spreading the mat of rainbow hue,
When the bird-of-steel flies by.


{ A short description of the view from an aeroplane }

Day 21 - Letter U submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


The unforgettable childhood days

Tender age, no worries to bear,
Inexhaustible revelry,
Unchained spirits,
Energy, bountiful.

Aiming at the ripe mangoes,
Riding the cycle broken,
Hop-scotch with innocence,
Hide to seek, a serious affair.

Playful mates, what rich or poor?
Each one holds a chance fair,
The summer shade, muddy rain,
Everything a cheerful game,

Imagination walks the wall,
A talking crow, a Spiderman,
Millions of questions ringing.
Yes, No but answer all.

No tall aspirations hurdle,
Each day a new ambition,
Now preserving, before it erodes,
The unforgettable childhood days.

{ The wonderful days of childhood, the fun and the tension free life.}

Day 20 - Letter T submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013.

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


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