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The China Clay Cup

Early morning when sleep is still comfortable on your bed,
She comes down with her armour and shield,
A broom in her hand and a basket to collect the dried leaves,
Smoothly, she sweeps the road and side-walk too,
All this, for a petty pay and some food.
POETICbug_The China Clay CupYou get up in your lazy mood,
Call her for that extra work,
And when she is done and dusted through,
You wait her up for tea and rusk.
You search through your kitchen,
In the dark corner behind the cupboard,
with one hand in, you find something.
The half-broken china clay cup from last year,
In which you now, pour her the hot tea,
You give her as if it is special,
And she soothes herself well,
For she is promoted now,
from the rusted tin can to the china clay cup.

Image Credits - Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


The Nocturnal Darkness

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night
I so agree with this beautiful quote by Sarah Williams.

POETICBug_The Nocturnal Darkness

I sometimes wonder is light the solution for darkness or just the absence of darkness? If that was the case then we would not fear when there is light. But we do. And if light was a solution to darkness, the Creator would have never brought night so beautifully after the day. There is excitement in the uncertainty of the darkness just like it is with life. I believe darkness gives as much hope as light does. It is important how we perceive it because there is charm in everything, even darkness.

I am always fascinated by the darkness of the night. Somehow it attracts me.I feel comfortable and relaxed. In fact I am more focused in what I do, particularly during the night time. I prefer to work at night and more often the laptop light is just enough for me. In fact while searching the net, I found this word,nyctophilia (noun) which means love of darkness or the night.

There is peace in the silence that persists. There is no one to disturb you but your thoughts. I feel all the energy that drained out in the mundane jobs of the day gets rejuvenated at night. This definitely helps me create my poetry the way I envision them. So for me ‘switching on the lights’ signifies that which helps me switch on my inner self. And in my case it is darkness.

Like always my closing paragraph is a poem.

I wait for the nocturnal darkness,
The silence and the calm,
To the rhythm of heavy breathing,
When every sound becomes distinct,
Like each of them is free,
Standing out from one another,
No more fading into the noise.

I wait for the nocturnal darkness,
That clears my mind,
When the neurons summon thoughts,
To weave them together
into the vision I perceive.
In this low decibel around
when I can hear myself out,
I talk about the dreams
that otherwise sleep would steal.

I wait for the nocturnal darkness,
For such relief I feel,
To be what I am,
Blooming like the jasmine.
Unperturbed by none's presence,
It spreads its sweet fragrance.

I wait for the nocturnal darkness,
For the thousand stars to arrive,
Giving me hope to shine like them, bright.
That which light brings to many,
Is hidden for me in the night,
And when I switch on my lights,
I get that darkness enough,
enough to know myself right.

This post has won the Blogadda WOW badge.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
WOW prompt (May 16-17) - 'I switched on the lights'

Image Credits - Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


Escape the block

POETICbug_Escape the block

I desperately scribble on the paper,
As if it would write something onto itself,
I barely get a line completed,
All I want is to escape this block,
This block in my mind; in my life,
Where stagnancy has become permanent,
A hurdle after every inch of movement,
Every time I start afresh,
The same confusion bites again,
The gap between the two questions,
What should be done?
What I want to do?

Never seems to collapse,
I wear a barbed tiara,
It will give bruises and cuts,
I know and I fear them none,
What I need is the dose of courage
to escape the block –
in my mind, in my life.

Image Credits - Google Images
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


I do not wish forever

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 54; the fifty-fourth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
POETICbug_I do not wish forever
If life was forever,
There would be no Fall,
No leaf would crumble,
In this world's fancy ensemble.

There is grace in leaving,
Like beauty that Autumn brings,
And for every leaf that is gone,
A new one would be born.

I do not wish forever and live alone,
Writing epitaph on loved ones tombstone,
I pray to stay enough,
With compassion and love.

But when I am gone far away,
I wish my memories may
linger without any grumble,
In this world's fancy ensemble.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 01

Image Credits - Privy Trifles
Poem © Copyright Salvwi Prasad (POETICbug)
Creative Commons Licence


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All posts of this blog by Salvwi Prasad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License