Blogger Widgets

Do it!

Do it when there’s time,
It won’t matter later,
How much you whine?

A confession to the Lord,
Don’t wait, Do it.
An opportunity to grab,
Don’t lack, Do it.
A dream to cheer,
Don’t hesitate, Do it.
A sorry to say,
Don’t have ego, Do it.
A friend to forgive,
Don’t doubt, Do it.
A proposal to that hidden love,
Don’t fear, Do it.
A family to take care,
Don’t step back, Do it.
A name to your being,
DARE and Do it.

{ A lot of thinking, stops us from doing the right thing at the right time. “Do it” explores that. }

Day 4- Letter D submission for  A to Z April Challenge 2013.

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


  1. This is specially valid for writers. We write less, and talk more about writing.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. i completely agree with Damyanti. And it's so applicable to me.

    Good one.

  3. Thank you Damyanti, Preetilata and Talya. :)

  4. Great advice. When we just do things instead of think them to death, we get a lot more done!

  5. A poem like this just makes me want get up and get something done, great job.


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