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Roasted Childhood

Riot of emotions inside a home,
The ladle shouts loud,
And briefcase slaps the floor,
Whom to blame? Who is not wrong?
The moments of love dead,
Crying in the grave alone.

A toddler in the cradle,
The older one behind the curtain,
Laden everyday with raped affection,
Bereaved of a lullaby, parental touch,
Negligence gives them its lap to snuggle.

To gulp the annoyance,
Unlock their horns, atone,
Difficult the reality,
If only the jacket of ego could shed off,
To patch up the family that is torn.

{ The most affected members of family feuds are the kids and their childhood. }

Day 18 - Letter R submission

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICBug]


  1. Years ago I worked in a children's home. It used to upset me to see these children, your verse portrayed all I seen.



  2. You Inspire me through your poems. So I nominated you for the "Very Inspiring Blogger Award". :)

    -Check my blog for rules and details if you wish to accept it.

    1. Thank you so much Sheethal :).This is a pleasant surprise. I am humbled.

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. Beautifully written but oh so SAD!!
    A to Z-ing to the end
    Peanut Butter and Whine


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